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Actelion Pharmaceuticals
Customer Story
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“We are now in a position to forward artwork to our approvers with more confidence.”
Oliver Wirsch, Text & Artwork Manager
Peace of Mind One of Many GlobalVision Benefits for Actelion
If it were up to him, Oliver Wirsch would never stop using GlobalVision as a way to proof against errors on Actelion artwork and packaging. The Text & Artwork Manager at the Swiss-based pharma company is fully satisfied with the quality control solution and has been since he and his team started using it as a spot-check tool.
Actelion has made great use of GlobalVision Graphics and Text Inspection options for several years. A leading biopharmaceutical company founded in 1997, Actelion has been acquired by multi-national giant Johnson & Johnson, coincidentally a GlobalVision user in its own right.
Zero Tolerance for Errors
The hope is to keep using GlobalVision. It’s become a critical component of Actelion’s proofing process.
“It’s our primary goal to have zero errors on our artwork. And, there, GlobalVision helps a lot,” says Wirsch, who helps oversee affiliates across the world as part of his position.

Technically speaking, it’s not Wirsch’s job to check content. It’s the responsibility of other departments and chief medical officers. The artwork eventually gets passed on to Wirsch’s team, and he and his colleagues then use the software, up to three times a week for each of the four team members, as a final check before sending it off for approval. “We are now in the position to forward artwork to our approvers with more confidence in what we send them,” he says.
An End to Endless Proofing Times
Actelion, which specializes in treatments for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and rare diseases, first decided on switching to GlobalVision for practicality purposes.
“Everything was done manually… Most of [the text and artwork managers and coordinators] did their checking by comparing word by word or character by character to see if it’s correct,” says Wirsch. “The amount of text is sometimes very huge, and this takes endless time to proofread, especially in foreign languages.”
“It’s our primary goal to have zero errors on our artwork. And, there, GlobalVision helps a lot.”
Oliver Wirsch, Text & Artwork Manager
Actelion works with leaflets in many different languages (with operations in over 30 different countries). Using them as an example, Wirsch says just one leaflet can take upwards of an hour to proof thoroughly. As a result, an automated solution, one that can check the same document in a matter of seconds, was required.
“We wanted to have the opportunity to compare text on one hand and artwork, pixel-to-pixel, on the other hand. And this was something GlobalVision could offer,” Wirsch adds.
Wirsch praises the platform’s speed, accuracy, and difference filters, the latter of which allows him to search for text errors of a specific type. Considering text errors are the most common ones he runs into, those filters come in handy, especially when trying to accomplish all he needs to in his role. If you were to hypothetically take GlobalVision away, it would get that much harder. “People that work together with us, they trust in us, and they know they will receive artwork that is compliant with the text they send us,” he says. “Without GlobalVision, this would not be possible.”